Friday, September 12, 2008

Chapter 8

Regarding the opening quote, may we be ambassadors of You that we may leave sweetness behind when we leave every place that we go that would give those around us desire to know more of You.

I love that she asks why God keeps putting her in situations for which she is not prepared and then realizes that HE is prepared enough for the both of us!

Compassion means "Rejoice with those who rejoice [sharing others' joy], and weep with those who weep [sharing others' grief]." Romans 12:15

Compassion is how we make an invisible God visible.

He thirsts...

1. Reread the quote from Lewis Smedes. Has anyone ever willingly entered into your life's pain in the way Smedes describes? Have you ever felt God's pull to do so in the life of another? Describe what happens in the heart of a sufferer who is on the recovering end of such mercy.

2. Take a few private moments to be completely vulnerable before God. What about this chapter seems most threatening to you or your current lifestyle?

3. Consider these words: shocked, angry, frustrated, guilty, troubled, wrestling, resistant, stirred, hopeful, inspired, called, compelled. Choose the three words that come closest to describing what you are experiencing as you are reading this book. Explain your choices.

4. How has your understanding of HIV/AIDS, world poverty, social injustice, and the experiences of the outcast been affected by Kay's experiences and perspective?

5. Reread each surrender question at the end of chapters 1 through 8. Identify which have been the easiest

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