Monday, July 21, 2008

Rondean name is Rondean!!! I love to entertain, do craft for the home and kids, and do outdoor activities witht he family. I have a family of 4, Terry (husband), Gracie-6 yrs, Avery-7 yrs (son). I enjoy learning more name is Rondean!!! I love to entertain, do craft for the home and kids, and do outdoor activities witht he family. I have a family of 4, Terry (husband), Gracie-6 yrs, Avery-7 yrs (son). I enjoy learning more about God's word by conversations with others and reading. I have started the book only - Chapter 1 and can already ses that it is going to be a learning lesson.t God's word by conversations with others and reading. I have started the book only - Chapter 1 and can already ses that it is going to be a learning lesson.

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